G.R.I.T Camp 2025

The dates for GRIT Camp at Warm Beach in Stanwood Washington are June 30th through July 2.  

Monday June 30       

  8 am Meet at LW

   8:30 am leave LW

Wednesday July 2

  12 pm arrive back at LW


Who Should Attend Camp?

G.R.I.T Camp is for all students planning to play football at Lake Washington High School next fall.  Including incoming Freshmen!

Why Should Players Attend Camp?

G.R.I.T. Camp is a chance for players and coaches to bond as a team and to get to know each other on a deeper level.  Activities during camp include work on various football skills (such as learning the schemes on offense and defense), conditioning, team building, and most importantly the opportunity to bond with other team members.

NOTE:   All football activities are deemed non-contact and thus equipment such as helmets and shoulder pads will not be needed.


The cost of this year's camp is expected to be $200 per player again this year.

*It is the Gridiron Club's goal that everyone can attend camp - Scholarships available upon request. Please click on 'Register Now' below and select 'Request Scholarship' under Payment Option.

How to Register



More details are coming.  If your question is not answered, please contact the Gridiron Club (info@kangfootball.com). 

What to bring

Players should bring: Backpack, cleats, water bottle, jersey, gloves, pillow, sleeping bag, toiletries/sunscreen, bathing suit, bath towel, beach towel and several changes of clothes.

Food at GRIT Camp will be provided by Warm Beach with the support of parent volunteers.
