GridIron Booster Club
Mission Statement
The Gridiron Club provides support to the Lake Washington High School football program by enhancing the high school player experience. We encourage and support teamwork, discipline, and respect for others that comes from participating in organized athletic competition. We provide funding that is generally above and beyond the resources of the school and school district in order to provide activities, equipment, and coaching support deserving of a championship caliber football team.
The Gridiron Club conducts social and fundraising events throughout the year and members volunteer a significant amount of time for the betterment of the program. We promote enthusiastic and positive behavior at football games by upholding the highest standards of spirit and sportsmanship and by letting our players play and our coaches coach. We also act as a liaison between the football team, coaches, parents and the general public.
Gridiron Board
Executive Board
President JR Duryee
Vice President John Loy
(and Fundraising)
Treasurer Woody Woodall
Secretary Caitlin Holmes
Varsity Team Rep. Ravit Aviram
JV Team Rep. Aruna Patil
C Team Rep,
Social Media
Merchandise Chair Jennifer Loy
Auction Coordinator Melissa Porter
Communications April Peterson
Peripheral Excellence Group
IT Admin Eric Schulz
Steward of Traditions Lisa Jahnke
Help Wanted
We always seek volunteers to help with Thursday Team Dinners and game day positions.